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When a man starts losing his hair, it’s likely due to male pattern baldness—far and away the
most common cause of hair loss among men. For women, things are a little bit more
complicated. There are many potential causes of female hair loss, and not one that stands out
as the likely culprit. With that said, female pattern hair loss, though not as common as its male
equivalent, does exist. In this post, we’ll explain what it is, and also how it can be treated.

Female Pattern Hair Loss at a Glance
Female pattern hair loss—also called androgenetic alopecia—impacts about 40 percent of all
women by the time they turn 50; a majority of women will experience some effects of female
pattern hair loss by the time they reach 80.

The condition is marked by the thinning of hair on the scalp—though unlike with male pattern
baldness, the thinning doesn’t necessarily follow a common trajectory. As such, female pattern
hair loss can be a little bit tougher to diagnose.

Causes of Female Pattern Hair Loss
As for the cause of female pattern hair loss, it’s largely a matter of hormones—and an excess of
male hormones, in particular. This hormonal imbalance disrupts the natural growing cycle of
the hair follicles, meaning women shed hair at a faster rate than normal, and don’t grow it back
as quickly.

In a normal, healthy hair growth cycle, each follicle alternates between a growing phase and a
resting phase. During the resting phase, old hairs are shed to make room for new growth. As
such, it’s perfectly normal for women to lose up to 100 hairs daily. A little bit of shedding is
nothing to worry about, but, when the cycle is disrupted, the shedding can go into overdrive.
Meanwhile, the follicle’s rest stage may last longer, and the growth stage may not be
productive. This is what causes thinning hair and balding.

Treatment for Female Pattern Hair Loss
While no woman wants to experience hair loss, the good news is there are treatments
available. The first step is getting an accurate diagnosis, determine the true cause of your hair
loss—whether female pattern hair loss or something else. Meeting with one of our team
members, in a relaxed and private setting, can provide you with this diagnosis.

From there, we can discuss some of the options available to you—including either non-surgical
or surgical options. Some of the specific treatments that we offer at Capri Hair Restoration

– Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) surgical hair transplants
– Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) surgical hair transplants
– Injectable Non Surgical Hair Restoration Options

Any one of these treatments can restore you to a full head of hair and a natural-looking
hairline—offering long-term relief from the symptoms of female pattern hair loss.

Find a solution that’s right for you—and start looking and feeling like yourself again. Contact us
today to schedule a consultation with Capri Hair Restoration.